all courses on simulation and anylogic

Start your AnyLogic master class today

Here is a list of all available courses on offer. Make sure to check my bundles as well. They add personal 1-1 coaching to your course at a big discount!

Frequently asked questions

Why is this so expensive?

Have you ever lost a few hours of modelling progress because you did not backup? Or you created a Git conflict with a colleague you could not solve? Now compare that to your hourly rate and you will see that this course pays for itself very fast. Add your growing value on the job market as these are essential software development skills as well, and you get yourself a great investment.

Do you have any discounts?

No. This course is already priced as low as possible. But you can pay in installments, check the options upon enrolling. Moreover, you can get a lot more value out of it by checking the bundles I offer.

Do you have any free training resources?

More than you can imagine, yes. Check my YouTube channel for tons of free videos. Also check my public appearances for in-depth AnyLogic workshops. And last, my blog holds tons of useful knowledge to learn and advance your simulation skills.

Will I have access to the materials forever?

Yes. You will never loose access to your course materials.

What if I get stuck or need help?

all my trainings come with a build-in social network. You will be able to chat and interact with other pupils and myself. Feel free to ask any questions and I will be happy to help. For more advanced support, check out my bundle offer upfront or book some time with me separately.
Meet the instructor

About Benjamin

Ben is one of the most experienced AnyLogic simulation consultants in the world.

With almost 15 years of industry experience, he served clients on 4 continents and in almost any industry.

Ben expanded simulation capabilities within McKinsey & Company, Inc. and continuously shapes innovative tools and libraries for the AnyLogic community.
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